Understanding the Benefits of Hot Yoga Classes near Concord

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    Before you sign up for your first class in yoga near Concord with Bikram Yoga Five Dock, it’s important to understand the environment in which you will be practising each of the 26 poses. For many first time participants, the temperature and humidity in the yoga room can feel a little overwhelming. That’s OK! Everyone needs time to acclimate themselves to this environment. However, you may be asking yourself: “why must it be so hot all the time?” Before you can show up ready to sweat, understanding why we heat the room — and how to prepare for it — can be helpful.

    Heat stimulates circulation. Think about how we “warm up” for exercise to get the blood flowing to our muscles. Practising yoga near Concord in the heat allows our bodies to respond more thoroughly to the breathing exercises and poses. As the heat penetrates your tissues, working on your muscles and tendons is made much easier. After a few sessions, you’ll be able to feel your body loosening up, and the heat won’t be an issue. How can you prepare, though?

    First: hydrate. Drink between 1 to 2 litres of water in the time before your class. Keep some handy for sipping after class, too. Avoiding dehydration is key to beating the heat and mastering Bikram yoga. Don’t have a big meal before your class, either — that’s a recipe for feeling ill. Light, healthy snacks will give you the energy you need. Finally, bring a towel so you can stay comfortable throughout class. These basic steps will get you ready to enjoy yoga near Concord with Bikram Yoga Five Dock.